
作为澳门皇家堵场上线啦经济发展的代言人, CALED has received offers from private sector businesses for tools that communities can use to help their businesses and weather the COVID-19 pandemic. 以下是这些产品. Please reach out to the individual company listed to learn more.

Bludot is offering their platform free of charge for any cities that want to support and engage with their local businesses during the crisis

Bludot is offering 3 months free usage, no obligations. 城市可以参观 开放 site and submit a request to add their city, or they may simply 直接给Sophia Zheng发邮件. 阅读更多关于Bludot提供的内容:

  • Their product is a Business Retention software with the following main functions:
    • A panel where the city can filter and search through all businesses by labels, eg. 行业、规模、年龄、地理区域等. For example, the city can filter and see all restaurants with a simple click.
    • 与每个企业主直接沟通
      • City can communicate 1:1 with each business, or send communication to a group of businesses at once. For example, the city can reach all restaurant owners with a message or a resource packet.
      • City would then be able to keep track of how business owners responded, 他们有什么问题?, 他们需要什么样的支持啊, 等.
      • Every staff member that has access to the platform would be able to see the latest information at all times; i.e. if one staff member sent a communication or if a business owner replied with a question, other staff members would also be able to see it and address it.
      • Staff members can also assign tasks to each other to manage the to-dos
    • 增强的数据
      • Bludot imports existing data from the city but also supplements additional data from external data providers. They realize that the extent of data availability in each city may vary and by incorporating external data we hope to provide as much useful intel as possible.
    • 指示板
      • This is the summary and reporting aspect of the platform with metrics and charts for business profile distribution as well as business support activities. The charts and reports can be easily shared and presented with relevant stakeholders

To learn more and take advantage of this opportunity, 点击这里报名 or 直接给Sophia Zheng发邮件.

esri is allowing free access to their ArcGIS Hub template so communities can map the impact of Coronavirus.


GIS规划新推出, free interactive GIS mapping tool for all US communities to track the spread of COVID-19 by county (updated daily) along with Chmura’s 工作EQ Job Loss Vulnerability Index.

社区可以在他们的网站上嵌入地图 这个页面上的链接. 要了解有关此资源的更多信息, 点击这里.

市场.City has aggregated free software resources available at this time.

Click here to see which platforms are offering assistance at this time. 

Open 为业务 hub lists tech companies that are helping small businesses remote work during the outbreak.


Join California’s 市场 and Network for business, real estate, and economic development. 

The platform connects California’s local business and property owners, 房地产和经济发展专业人士, 服务提供商, 当地的领导人, 和企业家, 这样你们就可以分享想法和专业知识, 提升的机会, 并与当地的新伙伴建立联系, 全州, 而在全国范围内, 共同进步.
In partnership with GoBiz you gain access to all Basic Services at no cost:
    • 加入本地网络. 有一个市场和网络 每一个 澳门皇家堵场上线啦的城市和县.
    • 为你自己和你的组织建立一个档案.
    • Accelerate connections among business and property owners, 房地产和经济发展专业人士, 服务提供商, 地方领导和企业家.
    • Promote local business and real estate opportunities.
OppSites will provide 每一个 organization and company with 60 days of free access to OppSites PRO:
    • 转 你的本地网站 成为一个市场和网络平台.
    • Promote local business and real estate opportunities to a national audience.
    • 赋予当地企业主权力, 服务提供商, real estate professionals and local leaders to share their expertise, 他们的想法, 以及他们的能力, 然后在当地联系新的合作伙伴, 而在全国范围内, 共同进步.

加入 澳门皇家堵场上线啦市场与网络

电子邮件 要求查阅PRO!


ProcureNow is donating free sourcing portal subscriptions to agencies in need. This is to be used to help your agency go fully online and remote while combatting this crisis. 采购是一项关键职能. The organizations you work for depend on you to effectively respond to the crisis. 他们对你所做的工作深表敬意. 他们是来帮忙的.


 Free Webinar from SizeUp: Ten Impacts of Coronavirus on the Economic Development Profession & 缓解挑战的解决方案

而公共卫生, 公共政策, and businesses are working to respond to the impact of this novel coronavirus, 经济发展行业也必须如此. There are specific impacts and responses that economic developers can take to adapt to this challenging environment for the businesses and workers our profession supports.

Anatalio Ubalde介绍, SizeUp的创始人兼首席执行官, 詹妮弗的坟墓, Deputy Director of Economic Development for the Town of Gilbert, 霍顿·霍布斯, VP of Economic Development for the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce.

This webinar reviews 10 specific impacts economic developers will face and direct solutions.

